Friday, January 27, 2017

Quinn 14 Months (Super Late)

How is my baby 14 months old? Time is flying friends and I just can't believe I have a TODDLER and not a "baby" anymore.


Quinn is hit or miss on the eating front. I honestly think he is too busy to eat much (and the daycare ladies have confirmed this) he just wants to GO, GO, GO.  Food well if he isn't super hungry that can wait. Then we go from hungry to hangry real quick like.  Overall he does eat pretty well- he likes what all toddlers like: carbs. Give that boy a cracker or some mac n cheese and we are golden!

He also loves Greek yogurt- I got through about 2 large containers a week just for him. Veggies are pretty much a no right now but we still offer at each meal!

Favorite foods: Greek yogurt, corn, mac n cheese, marshmallows, sour cream, avocado, Alphabet soup, graham crackers, Cheerios and ranch dressing.

Puffs are still cool but I think he is moving on from them and wanting more "real" food. We also have taken the bottle away for the most part. He does still get a bottle at night- this isn't ideal but the kid sleeps SO much better with a bottle. Battles my friends.


Well he doesn't!! I kid, I kid. Q really isn't a good sleeper- he slept through the night once and normally has been fine with getting in bed with us. My former self hates me for the "no co-sleeping" ever rule- honestly I don't LIKE co-sleeping. However co-sleeping vs NOT sleeping well we have to all make choices.

I think we are back into the territory of no sleep due to ear issues. We are scheduled for yet another surgery in February- I am hoping this will help us! On the sleep front we do well when he is healthy  this goes so much better.

Naps on the other hand are far better, we are down to one nap a day around 12:30- honestly he could do a morning nap and a short nap in the afternoon. He is kinda a mess at home by 12:30 but we try to keep him busy and go do something before the nap (Target, go get lunch, park) then he falls asleep on the way home.  He usually gets about 2ish hours for a nap- some days its 3 and those days he does SO much better.


In true Ford form Q loves snacks. Graham crackers unite- its even better if mom lets you have mini marshmallows too.  He is a fan of dogs and says "Bog, Bog" (Bogey) and points to him through the door. Make no mistake for he does NOT want to come in full contact with Bogey mostly  because Bogey thinks he is the tastiest of all the children and licks him like no other. He loves chasing Sophie but she has no desire to play or give him attention of any kind unless he has a graham cracker.

He loves water, and throws a fit most nights getting out of the bath- but its COLD. He loves it coming out of a facet and I have commissioned my handy man to make him a sprinkler for the summer. He is a big fan of dancing and has some pretty sweet moves. Favorite songs are "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", "Wheels on the Bus". 99% of the time we can belt out one of these and he returns to happy.

Q- Man also loves outside and exploring, this summer I just be ready to sweat I guess because I don't see my little one being happy inside at all. Good thing I am working on my bikini bod. :)  He was so happy to run around in the snow, but honestly just outside is what he wants.

He likes toys of course but right now seems to be more entertained by random things- Tupperware, my hair dryer, toilet paper rolls, the potty (he can flush it), anything gross he can find on the floor #boymom. Most of the enjoyment from toys is throwing them in the shower with Duane or I.

Monday, January 9, 2017

It's the Feakin Weekend

Hello from Fordlandia!!

We started of Friday being awesome- Q had a doctors appointment to get his ears checked. I went to pick him up and it was SNOWING. If you live south of Lubbock then you should know that Texans in these areas have nary a clue what to do with the white powder. So I cancelled our doctor date. 

We came home played in the snow and I tried to work. Quinn cried when I made home come inside but dear child a sweat shirt is not in fact going to be enough for snow playing.



D got home and I stated that I felt horrible- not sure what was up. I just didn't feel good. Q has recently moved to the toddler room at school and we are working on one nap. He was wiped out and I happily let him go to bed early. D ordered a pizza and then went to take a nap before he went back to work, I went to bed. Party hard Friday night friends. 

Saturday was fairly low key- I still didn't feel great. My stomach wasn't kind to me but we woke up and started the day. I started chores, and then we ran to pick up groceries. I love Wal-Mart grocery pick up, if you haven't done it try it! We grabbed lunch then ran to Target for a few other things.  


How does one always spend so much money at Target?! 

We got home and took a family nap, woke up and played!! I think Q is fighting a cold he has been EXTRA clingy and mommmmmmmmaaa. D worked and I stayed up watched a new episode of Criminal Minds...anyone else a fan? I'm not digging this new cast. They just seem to not mesh and the show isn't as good. And let's face it I miss Shermar's abs. 


Q was up at 5, so I decide we should go get doughnuts. He and I shared breakfast! He then proceeded to sneeze doughnut all over me. Ahh motherhood.


D worked again so we were on our own until about 10am, however Q was tired and went back to bed around 8:30am. We grabbed lunch, came home, Q got a nap and we watched football. 
My little one is super into dipping right now, so I'm trying to find things for him to try! 


I have a book club in a few weeks and the library finally had my book available so Q and I made a fast trip to grab it and run around. The library is the coolest! 



We ran around and tried to climb everything! We left with a huge bag of books and plans to come back for story time!!  Q thought climbing into the bookshelf was such a good idea. We only had one meltdown as I said it was time to go- since the library was closing.

Dinner then Q went down- still quite snotty and just overall blah. He is getting THREE teeth at the same time so we have had a few rough nights. Poor boy. I was happy to let him get some extra sleep in and of course actually eat dinner.

Weekends D works extra are usually hard and a little off schedule. We also try to not have outside plans and stay home, it's nice to recharge and not do much!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

About the Fords

I was actually planning to do a lot on this blog. It didn't happen, but eh. You want to start at the beginning well here it is.

We met in 2010- it was an internet date. That date lasted about 8 hours and all of it was in public so get your mind out of the gutter there peeps- we only talked. He was super cute and all sorts of sexy, and I had just started a big girl job and had nary a clue about life.  We fell in love, went on trips then one day he popped the question- which I so eloquently answered with "Are you serious?".  Worry not friends he was not offended and simply replied "yep see I even have ring." Then 4 months later we walked down the isle to our new wedded bliss life. Bazinga

We have three dogs so of course we thought life was boring and needed to add a human child to the mix. After I spent the better part of 4 months being sick and acting like a loon we found out our little BOY would join the family. 

We welcomed a healthy, huge Quinn Lawson on 11/19/15. I was in labor forEVERRRRRR and then they had to go get him. It wasn't super fun but this one was worth it! 

He didn't poop or pee during his naked photo shoot but refused to sleep unlike 99% of all newborns. This would become his jam and I thought his goal to see how many hours he could keep me awake. He slept through the night once about 2 weeks ago, but it has proved to be a freak occurrence. I am thinking 14 months *might* be our winner.

no smiles.

He is also a huge fan of pictures- which I take daily.  See mugshot above.  Currently homeslice is 13 months (almost) 14 months old and is a basket of  fun. No really. I never sit down nor eat anything hot. But all worth it :) 

Like a GQ

Duane is forever busy with work and home improvements. He has also started building furniture- he likes it but started because he refused to let me buy a 1500 dollar coffee table I wanted. Claiming he could build it- indeed. We have a new back porch that is almost done- bring on SPRING. I have grand plans for the yard and told him to get his work pants on. Quinn says his name DADA (yep usually a yell) about 35 times a minute, which he always answers. It warms my heart. 

I, Allison am currently trying to eat healthy and keep everyone alive. These are big goals people.
I work full time as a corporate trainer- eh learning professional.  I also have been talked into training for a half marathon with my sister in April- so I should run at some point.  I am trying to read more and watch less TV but Criminal Minds and Parks and Rec are my Netflix jams. I have great Pintrest boards and a pretty awesome Instagram account (allisonford1). 

Quinn has too many toys and currently only wants to eat Greek yogurt, puffs, blueberries and guac. If you smile he will eat Alphabet soup and french fries. He loves books and will spend hours 'reading' but if you read to him he wants the book back in 2 pages- we are working on it :). If allowed he would prefer to be naked at all times, however I do make him wear clothes. He has accepted that if he can't be naked a diaper is fine- my floor and couch thank him for this. 

We aren't perfect, we do love each other a lot. I am so excited to share a few things about my family and just daily life!