Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Life Lately

We are busy. For a summer that was supposed to be filled with lazy weekends and plenty of time in the backyard it just hasn't happened. Oy!

The first piece of the puzzle is we decided to build a house. This is something we are so excited about and hoping that pieces continue to fall into place. The house is set to be done around end of September/Mid-October.  We had so much fun figuring out what we wanted for the new house!! Q took his first of many pictures on the "front porch" of his new house.

We are working hard to finish the projects we need to list the house. This has been a HUGE undertaking but we are praying the house sells quickly. Duane is taking the lead on this (of course) and is a rockstar. He seriously has worked his booty off and I am so thankful for his hard work. Even if the house doesn't workout we will have our current home the way we want it. Tiling the LAST of what is needed. Next up painting the outside of the house, get the new roof on and then small things inside. I also am on team declutter and get rid of ALL THE THINGS.  Goodwill has seen a whole lotta me in the past few weeks.

Kinley has decided she wants REAL food thanks. She loves, loves to eat and after about 2 times is a master of eating off a spoon. She also yells and makes it known that she wants whatever her brother is eating or whatever I am eating. So that has been fun :)

 We are also in the middle of our potty training journey. Well maybe we are at the end? He is doing SO well and I am beyond impressed that he picked it up so quickly. He also has figured out that he can "water the grass". So anytime we go outside pants come down.

I am frantically trying to get us all packed for a week in Colorado. I *THINK* I have almost everything. Now to get it all organized and do our final laundry sweep - its the kids first flights so I am not sure how this is going to go at all. Mom and Dad are on the same one with us so praise the Lord we have extra hands.  I have figured out my kids are very hot and cold. They are REALLY good most of the time but when its bad its bad. I am hoping to get my to-do list checked off and try to enjoy the week.

I also am trying REALLY hard to lose that baby weight aka tacos and being lazy. So I am working on a few post to keep me honest with that journey!

My sister is also expecting her first babe. A BOY!!  I am SO excited to do all the aunt things and be there during her special time. We have a girls weekend planned and baby shower in July. Mom and I had her gender reveal party a few weeks ago.  The road to Edmond has my name on it friends!!

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